
Monday, April 20, 2015

Random Facts and Thoughts

So many things are brewing in my brain that I thought I would just spew them on virtual paper. 

1. I have written previously about Scribd and what an incredible bargain it is, but I just have to say again what an incredible bargain it is: Scribd is an incredible bargain. They are adding more books and audiobooks daily (at least it seems like daily). They have current best sellers like Girl on a Train, Game of Thrones, and so many more. In fact, I am seriously considering canceling my Audible membership (yeah, the one I've had since 2007 - the one with which I have acquired approximately 1,200 audiobooks - that one).

2. Tom Ford's Black Orchid perfume. 

3. The last thing my kids saw before we got to the Conroe tournament on Saturday (so, right before the twins competed in juniors and right before Therese debated quarters against an AWESOME team) was a puppy get hit by a car. I'm dead serious. It was horrible.

4. I'm unreasonably excited that MAC is doing a matte lipstick collection in June. Most of the shades are repromotes, but there are a few new ones. Does this make me shallow? Ask me if I care.

5. If I could give teenage girls one piece of advice - well, that would take a much longer post - but if I could give them an important piece of advice, it would be to make good girl friends. If they find it to be hard, do it anyway. I *know* guy friends are great. I *know* they make the best friends. I know girls are too much drama for words. Been there, eschewed that. Living proof that you get to a certain age and your best guy friend can't be your best friend anymore. Make those girl friends now and be able to have them forever.

6. My favorite modern fictional character is Aloysius Pendergast. I think I'm in love with him.

7. Just when I think my worst fault is anger, I realize what a complete sloth I am, and that makes me very angry. It is a vicious (if entertaining) circle.

8. I loathe debate tournaments with every fiber of my being...until I'm actually there. Then I love them.

9. My attitude toward getting older is pretty much one of entertainment. I am amused by almost everything about the process, especially about how old I don't feel. The most fascinating thing is how vastly different time works the older you get. Even the youngest child begins to understand this early on, but the exponential rate at which the process accelerates is astonishing. I look forward to being my dad's age and being able to genuinely not give a damn about anything. I care about everything way too much.

10. I say damn a *lot*. I am truly sorry if it bothers you. I likely will not be stopping anytime soon.

11. I'll be doing a debate version of this random facts list next. Here's a teaser: if you want to win on neg, go for plan.

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