The full version of Math-U-See's Geometry (the Universal Set) comes with the following components: an instruction manual with complete solutions, instructional DVD, student and text workbooks, and full 12-month access to the Geometry Digital Pack. Using this set, Nicholas watches the week's DVD lesson and then proceeds to do the corresponding pages in the student workbook. The workbook provides for one lesson each day and includes an extra lesson, requiring more in-depth thinking, that can be completed each week to turn the class into an Honors level course. Because each lesson takes such a short amount of time (N.B., my kids are only in week 4 of Geometry, and both of them have had some Geometry before, as noted above), there is a ton of flexibility in this course - which I love! What I mean by that is my kids can do an entire week's worth of lessons in one day (excluding the Honors lesson - that takes an extra day) if that's what I choose for them to do. In other words, if we are short on time, they can do a lesson (if it's a non-video day) in a fairly short period of time. If we have more time on a given day, they can do several worksheets that day. Therese, in particular, has found that she can do a week's worth of Geometry (including Honors) in about an hour and a half. That's actually critical for her, as she only has until August to do the whole course if she is going to remain/get back on track to finish her freshman year this school year.

Selecting the lesson summary will take you to the same information that was previously found in the Geometry hardback textbook, so if you are trying to pare down your schoolroom (and I *definitely* know what that feels like!), you will appreciate having that information online only.
The test solutions are also included in the Digital Pack (and are not in any way hidden, which may or may not be a concern for some parents).
How the Digital Packs Stack Up
Because Demme Learning so generously provided us with the Universal Set, Nicky has been using the DVDs exclusively during the review period, and that has worked fine for him, but after seeing how flexible and easy the Digital Pack is to use (in other words, watching Therese sit on the couch and do math using the online videos - the same videos Nicky has to sit at the computer to view while other kids wait in line to do their schoolwork), I know we will be finishing out the course using the Digital Pack exclusively. DVDs are just so easy to misplace!
What's more -- I don't think I'm ever using another math program over the long haul. In fact, I am sorely tempted to start the twins on MUS Digital Packs, like, yesterday. They can *do* multiplication and division, but I don't know that it's ever really clicked the way it did for my older two. I think it would with Math-U-See. And given the cost-effectiveness of the Digital Packs, I can't think of a good reason not to pursue MUS. I think they would love it.
If you, like me, have thought about Math-U-See in the past, but didn't really know if you were ready to take that plunge into a different kind of math, I really encourage you to click the banner below to read all of the Crew reviews. I am betting you'll be ready to see why so many parents say that their kids can't wait to do math when that math is Math-U-See.

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