ARTistic Pursuits Inc. has done it again. Their Sculpture Technique Model book makes teaching art in the homeschool a breeze. There are three units in this book:
- Unit 1: Creating Mass with putty
- Unit 2: Creating Scale with clay
- Unit 3: Creating Surface with Fiber
Within each unit, there are several projects, so at the end of the book, assuming one did every project, he would have completed 12 projects.
It is easy to see what you need for each project, as the art supplies are listed by unit at the front of the book.
ARTistic Pursuits Inc. even provides suggestions on where to purchase the necessary supplies as it lists them, but I found that everything I needed could be purchased at places where I normally purchase all of my school supplies (with quick shipping, too!), so that made everything so easy to order and get started!
How We Used It
At first I had planned to use this program with Therese (14), but I had underestimated her schedule at this time of year with dance and debate (as I often do). I wasn't worried, though, because all of my kids LOVE ARTistic Pursuits Inc., and they were thrilled that they got to step in and learn sculpture. Michael (11) especially is my artist in the family. He is always begging to learn more about art technique, and he has inhaled every ARTistic Pursuits Inc. book we have ever used. After looking through the book, we first thought we would begin with the unit on Creating Surface with Fiber, because the kids are already familiar with the idea of felting wool through my knitting projects, but (being kids), they decided they really wanted to work with clay and putty. So it was decided! Unit 1 on Creating Mass with Putty and Unit 2 on Creating Scale with Clay is where the kids would focus their efforts.
Michael and Mary-Catherine (both 11) studied Unit 2 and decided that they would enjoy working with clay. Michael first made pinch pots with the clay. He thoroughly enjoyed putting to use the techniques he had read about in the chapter, especially "slip," or working with water to fit pieces together.
Then, he and Mary-Catherine worked together to use the coil method to create a figure - they made a dachshund!
Meanwhile, after looking through the book himself, Nicholas (12) had decided that he preferred Unit 1 (Creating Mass with Putty), so he began working on the first project in that unit.

While waiting for these guys to dry so he could paint them, Nicholas actually began working on creating a sculpture with the water putty, but he became very frustrated with trying to shape the newspaper and he quit. If any of you have kids with OCD or Tourette's, you'll understand why I didn't insist that he finish what he started. That battle wasn't worth fighting. He had read the entire Unit on mass, and he had experienced the water putty, so I was happy with his participation in this project. As a perfectionist myself, I understand the extreme frustration of not being able to make it just right. Given his other issues, I don't expect him to be able to cope with that frustration entirely just yet. There is plenty of "meat" in the ARTistic Pursuits Inc. book, even without taking into consideration the art projects (of course, for many kids they are what make the curriculum so much fun!).
ARTistic Pursuits Inc. gave Crew members the opportunity to review several different books, so be sure to click the banner below to see all of the reviews!
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