It was exciting and fun! It was also very easy to read with likable characters. I liked how it got off to a fast start in the first chapter with Avery getting lost. I also think it would make a great read aloud book.
Let me back up a little! The Glass Castle is Book 1 in a new series. It is a beautiful 256 page hardback book in the fantasy/fairy tale genre. While you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, the fact is that most of us do to an extent. The cover on this one is gorgeous! The target age is 10-15, but as with all things parenting and schooling, that will depend completely on your child. My eldest daughter is 14, and she is way too old for this book. The book is classified for middle schoolers, but I would say it is more for upper elementary. Fortunately, there is a generous excerpt available online, so when you visit the link above, you'll be able to see for yourself if your child fits the age range! One thing is sure, given the publisher, you know there is nothing thematically inappropriate in the book at all. That's very important to me as a parent.
The Glass Castle explores a story line that won't be unfamiliar to many Christians - a king fears for his succession. He has a son somewhere out there by his first wife, but he doesn't know where he is. What to do? Get rid of all the orphans, naturally. A king offing an entire group of children? I think I read about that somewhere in the Bible...Michael is right! This book would make a great read aloud! In all seriousness, the literary theme of mistreating orphans is hardly a new one (Oliver Twist, anyone?), but the fantasy setting of this book makes the theme new again. Being able to take a perennial theme and make it new is the mark of a really good book!
The clear, easy to read (but not boring or dumb-downed) writing style makes this book a no-brainer for kids who love this genre and for parents who want their kids to read quality books. Fortunately, even if you don't have someone in your house who reads this particular kind of book, Shiloh Run Press has *many* other wonderful titles from which to choose.
As mentioned, The Glass Castle is Book 1 in a series. Book 2, The Ruby Moon, is set to release in October, 2016. I'm confident that once you check out Book 1, you'll be anxiously awaiting Book 2. I know Michael is!

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