- Necessary Tools for Algebra
- Solving Equations
- Graphing and Analyzing Linear Equations
- Solving and Graphing Inequalities
- Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities
- Polynomials
- Rational Expressions
- Radical Expressions and Geometry
- Quadratic Equations
- Algebra Word Problems
Each of the ten chapters concludes with a review, and there is a final review. There are also chapter tests and a final exam. Solutions to all of the problems are found at the back of the book. The book itself, though, is only half of the No-Nonsense Algebra program. Each lesson is accompanied by a free online video lesson. Purchase of the book entitles you to free access to all of the online video lessons, which correspond perfectly to the chapters in the book:
The videos are done "whiteboard style" as below:
Therese only watched them when she needed something clarified that she didn't understand in the text, but if you are learning this material for the first time (rather than going through it for purposes of review), the material is presented clearly and concisely by Richard W. Fisher, winner of the Intel Innovations in Teaching Award. Mr. Fisher really is an excellent teacher. He makes these concepts easy to understand. I don't find Algebra intuitive at all, but he makes it so much more comprehensible. I asked Therese more than once, "Why aren't you watching the videos?!" "Because I don't need to!" she answered. That's for two reasons. First, Mr. Fisher's written explanations are also excellent, and that's how Therese has been learning math her whole life - from a book. Second, Therese is reviewing most of these concepts, and not learning them for the first time. I have a feeling that when I use this book with my twins (12) in a couple of years (because I will be using this book with my twins!), they will welcome the excellent videos.
Therese's Assessment of No-Nonsense Algebra
The videos are done "whiteboard style" as below:
Therese's Assessment of No-Nonsense Algebra

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