The applications for these pumpkin tracts are limited only by one's imagination! As Halloween approaches, they would make an excellent activity for a Sunday school class, especially if the culmination of the lesson (after each leaf is explored and explained and the pumpkin is assembled) is filling the pumpkin with candy! They would also make a great addition to an Awana group! Of course, the most obvious application would be handing them out yourself to trick-or-treaters who come to your door (yes! There is something better than candy! Candy and Jesus is always a win-win!). If your church holds a Harvest Festival, rather than a Halloween party, these pumpkins will be right at home as decorations with a dual surprise (a Gospel message and a sweet treat!). Really, as I said, the applications are limited only by your imagination.
As for my family, we talked about the pumpkins and how the message conveyed by them differs from our Faith tradition, given that we are Catholic, but that just because people come to Jesus in different ways does not mean that we should focus on those differences more than we focus on our similarities. Christians share far more similarities than differences, and we should focus on those similarities while we pray for the reunification of Christendom.
As always, my opinion is one of many, so please do click the banner below to read all of the Crew reviews, and if you are in the market for child evangelism tools, definitely visit Let the Little Children Come, because they have you covered!

I am curious, how does the message presented differ from the Catholic approach? Do not catholics believe in Jesus coming and saving us from our sins?
ReplyDeleteAnnette, Catholics *absolutely* believe that Jesus came and saved us from our sins! That's the very definition of a Christian, after all. The key difference between the message as presented here and salvation as Catholics understand it is that, for us, salvation is more of an ongoing process. It is also something that can be lost through our own free choices, even if we believe in Jesus and have (to use terminology Protestants are comfortable with) invited him into our hearts. I realize I am oversimplifying Protestantism grossly, and I'm sorry for that. There is an excellent summary of many key differences between Catholicism and Protestantism (with Scriptural references) here: https://vivacatholic.wordpress.com/223-2/ Thanks for asking that key question, though - Catholics are definitely Christians!