KinderBach is the first name in online piano learning for young children. KinderBach offers a wide variety of different programs, but all center around teaching small(er) children how to read music and play the piano. Of greatest interest to homeschooling parents is the KinderBach "at home" program designed to be used in the home (as opposed to in the school) by parents and their 3-7 year-old children. This was the KinderBach program with which I was most familiar...until now. This year, KinderBach has introduced...
The KinderBach app!! Did I say that loudly enough? Is my excitement evident? My dad bought me an iPad a year ago, and I have not put it down yet. I firmly believe that they are the wave of the educational future, and I foresee more of them in my house. There are just too many amazing things you can do on them...and KinderBach exemplifies the iPad educational advantage perfectly.
My two oldest kids take piano lessons, and my two younger kids want to, so I was so excited to be able to download this app. The app has a very familiar KinderBach feel. If you're familiar with the program, it will be a seamless transition.
The app is structured into three levels, each of which contains ten lessons. Each lesson contains multiple videos and an introduction. The entire program (so, the entire app) is, according to KinderBach, about a year's curriculum. That would depend, of course, on how much time you spend on it each day! There are also six games (one of which is shown above). The games are fun and can be played anytime. If you have ever played with a piano keyboard on your iPad, you can imagine how fun these games are for kids!
The lessons are laid out as seen above, and are very easy to navigate. You feel as though you are on the computer, and not on the iPad at all. This app is absolutely the equivalent of full-fledged computer software (which is important to realize when considering the price).
One of the neatest things about the KinderBach app is how cute and visually appealing it is. It is a hard core piano program, but it feels like a game to little kids. They have no idea how much they are learning. They will learn the keys on the piano, they will learn how to read music, and they will not have a clue that they are learning something that many other children consider hard!
I pretty much gave my twins (7) free rein with this app. They sat down together and worked through Level 1 within a couple of weeks. They were not interested in the printables, and I did not make them do them. Because we were fortunate enough to review the KinderBach online program last year, most of Level 1 was a review. Also, because they are at the upper end of the suggested age for the program, I think they found it a little juvenile for them this year. Perhaps if they hadn't already gone thorough part of KinderBach once, they would have felt differently. I have to say, though, that they *loved* being able to play the piano on the iPad. It absolutely made the lessons far more fun for them than they would have been on the piano. If ever there was a program that was made to be an app, it's KinderBach.
I would say that the KinderBach app is not the best fit for my family, but only for two reasons: we have already reviewed KinderBach, and my twins are on the upper end of the 3-7 recommended age limit. I know that my almost 3 year-old niece would absolutely love it!
The KinderBach app is available in the app store and costs $26.99. As I said previously, you are essentially paying for software, so keeping that in mind, the price is very reasonable. Please don't judge this app against a $1.99 piano keyboard app! They are not remotely the same! This app is music theory and piano lessons - a steal for $26.99.
But wait again!! KinderBach is very generously offering discounts to TOS readers! Until 12/31/12, take 30% off any order with the coupon code TOS_crew2012 Even more amazing, though, the KinderBach app will be on sale Friday, October 19, 2012, for $12.99. That is a full 50% off! There is no code needed; just head to the app store! Don't miss out on this offer. It really is an amazing deal, especially if you have preschoolers!
To see what other Crew families did with the KinderBach app, visit the Crew blog!
Disclaimer: I received the KinderBach app free in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation.
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